Sunday, August 30, 2009

The art of haircutting

So I get my haircut or at least I try to get my haircut once every two weeks. Which usually ends up being every three weeks because I usually forget when I last got it. (I like to keep my hair at a nice short length).
But recently I got a bad haircut. I did one of those stupid things where I was like; "Yeah I want a mohawk." But I didn't discuss it with anyone and just did it.
Some quick insight to me:
1) I always need to talk things out before I do it,
2) Because Chelsea and rash decisions don't usually mix (of course there are exceptions to this).
Well lets just say when I walked out of the haircut place for the first time in my life I was like, "Damn! This looks really bad." okay maybe the second in my life. But still I don't ever hate my haircuts.
So to make a long story short, I went home and had Maxi fix my hair. Now it looks better aka no more rat tail.

So where am I going with this? Well to be honest I really wanted to talk about girls and how they all think their haircut is original when really they all have almost the same haircut.

Girl A: "Look I just got bangs. Don't you like them?"
Girl B: "Um, I mean they kind of look like Girl C's bangs."
Girl A: "Oh no, mine totally go to the right. Girl C's bangs go to the left. See the difference."
Girl B: "Oh yeah I totally see that."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

40 going on 16...

"Women, when they turn forty, should not wear bikinis. I don't want to see their wrinkles or their belly button...And it doesn't matter how hip and cool you think you are, serving alcohol to your underaged children doesn't make you hip and cool. It just makes you a criminal." -Quoted by Maxi

Of course Maxi continued to ramble on about belly buttons looking like donuts and So Lows (Spelling?) being called So Lows for a reason. But in her some what psychotic ramble of women who just don't act their age, she had a point.
Now if you ever lived in New City or perhaps a town like New City you would know that women that live here tend to not act their age. They tend to act more like the age of their teenage daughters. The mother of Regina George in the movie Mean Girls, is not a far off picture of what a New City mom might be like.
So now you are thinking, well hopefully you are, why I care? Is it that I have some psychotic mother who dresses like a whore on Halloween? Or that she talks like a blond who got hit on the head too many times?
No, I am lucky my mother is presentable to the public. The idea that I am trying to say is that an outside appearance doesn't mean everything. No, don't judge my cliche before I am finished. See there are plenty of mothers out there who dress presentable like my own and act their age in public. But when it comes down to it, when these pre menopause women get comfortable, they break down and becomes out of control 40 year olds going on 16.
Now we all love our mothers or at least I hope you do. But when this comfortable state takes place. It is like trying to control a five year old. It gets pretty scary, I won't horrify you with the details.
Further more on this topic, this does not make these women bad people for these acts. It is actually relieving to know that you can have some fun even if you get "old". It is when you take it the extreme that things get out of hand.
1. Sharing intimate sexual details with people half your age.
2. Trying to party with people half your age.
3. Trying so hard to be hip when really, people half your age just laugh at you for trying.

Monday, August 24, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears?

Answer: Customers that say too much.

Not sure if this is just at my work establishment or every where, but lets pretend for a second it is just mine (because it is in New City).

1. Customers who see you outside smoking on your break and tell you that smoking is bad for you. (Do I tell you that the venti mocha with whip cream and extra mocha that you get every day is bad for you?)

2. Customers who assume that you are stupid or unintelligent just because you work at a coffee shop.

3. Customers who question the drinks that you make them.

4. Customers who come in and think you can read their minds.
(Customer: Is this decaf?
Me: It wasn't mark decaf, but I will remake it for you.
Customer: Thank you very much.
Later on I ask the person at the register if that person ordered it decaf. Nine out of Ten times they did not order it decaf.)

5. Customers who think they can get free stuff by forgetting to order things when they pay. Such as Soy milk, extra shots and syrups.

6. Customers who think just because they see you every day they can tell you look like shit or that you gained weight or that you should gain/lose weight.

7. Customers who order 15 blended drinks at the same time but none of them are the same.

8. Customers who expect you to give them free coffee just because they are regulars. (Listen you don't tip, don't expect me to give you one of my free drinks.)

9. Customers who come in talking on their cellphones and look pissed when you ask them what they want to drink.

10. Customers who are down right rude to you for no reason.

Just New City or every where? You tell me.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Adventures in Baby-sitting (sort of)

So this is sort of a way to keep me (well hopefully) a little sane while I live and work in Rockland this year. While everyone I know (except maxi) is away from this town, I will be documenting my adventures in Rockland and all my thoughts on this crazy place. I am gonna try to update at least once a week, but if you know me, then you know I suck at keeping in touch. I guess even with myself. So don't change the channel, cause I will be back after this commercial break.