I know I usually talk about a lot of weird stuff. But today I feel inspired. I feel a little lighter about the world. I'm usually pretty cold hearted when it comes down to it. I never say I love you. I find this generic phrase is over used and/or not used appropriately. So call me what you want but I don't just throw the "L" word around. The other "L" word I do...as in lesbian.
Now where am I going with this? Well let's look at the title of this post. The best tip ever! So what was so amazing that made my cold heart melt to liquid heat? The answer. A gentleman and his son (probably four years old) came into my store today and before his father ordered his beverage the little boy pulls out a Spiderman sticker and says "This is for you." I thanked him with real graditude and said that Spiderman was amazing but he should check out X-Men and then I asked him if I should wear the sticker. He said if I felt like it I could. I said okay and took his father's money.
Then as they were walking to pick up the father's drink I decided that I would show the boy that I really liked what he gave me. So I said "Hey buddy, I am gonna wear it now." The kids face was one of utter shock, awe, and excitment. I was an adult that put on his childish sticker. I appricated it beyound belief. I made this kids day (or so I hope I did) and what he will never know is that he made mine. It's those little things that make me truly believe that the world just might be an okay place. There is hope.
The holidays are here. Channukah just ended and Christmas is around the corner. Holidays like Yule and Kwanzaa are over looked but they are still here and celebrated in their own ways.
I'm a big scrooge or grinch when it comes to all the smells, tastes, and sights of the holidays. I just don't like any aspect of it. But Spiderman Sticker kid might have given me a little holiday spirit. Let's be nice to our neighbors and families and our friends. Let's be nice to strangers and to everyone else.
Kind of makes me sick thinking about all this cheerful shit. Maybe I will start a little smaller. I will be nice to myself and see how it goes from there. World peace after self peace.
So this holiday season I ask everyone to give out their stickers and smiles and be like that four year old boy. And then maybe we can have world peace. But probably not. But it would still be nice to think it could happen.
Happy holidays UnRT readers. I love you all.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
If you're a fly gal, then get your nails done. Get a pedicure, get your hair did.
Today I decided to treat myself to a mani and pedi. (For those who don't know what this is, I will explain. It a place where they clean and polish your nails and massage your hands and feet. Some people choose to get there then clean nails painted. Still don't understand? Go ask your mom, she will know.)
Now I am sure a few of you are like really Chelsea? How girly of you? And my reply will be, I like to be pampered as much as the next person.
Back to the topic on hand. While I was not understanding what my nail person/technician lady was saying; there sat a little boy who was probably three or four. Now this little boy who we will call Ricky, because I thought that was what he looked like. He looked like a Ricky to me. Now Ricky sat in the giant pedicure chair (which is comfortable and massages your back) eating a donut (with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles), while he used his stuffed animal, that totally had a band-aid on its head, to prop his mother's phone, that he was using to watch SpongeBob SquarePants (yes that is the correct spelling). Now I know I have a few grandmas on this blog, so here is a picture if you dont know who Mr. SquarePants is. (And I swear I'm not creepy. I just like to people watch.)

I assume most of you don't know what I was like as a child, so you must understand one thing about child me. I was the kid who sat in the same cardboard box that I drew plane dashboards inside it, (so I could really push buttons) and had on an astronaut helmet that I talked through and thought that Huston was really replying back to me.
I was weird. But definitely more imaginative then any kid now a days.
It's your birthday.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's Contest Time
So I have been thinking that this blog is a little one sided. I creates this for you (my readers) and me. Well I guess you can say mainly me because I had no readers when I first started this blog, and who knows if I have any now; but that is another story.
I want to hear your uncensored thoughts. That's right blog world I am creating UnRT's first contest. Send your uncensored thoughts to me and the lucky winner will be featured on UnRT (plus there could be a better prize when I think of it). Also feel free to send me topics you want to hear me rant and rave about.
Email your entries to csilver18@gmail.com by December 21st.
I will announce the winner by December 31st. So get excited and start recycling your thoughts for me.
Happy blogging.
I want to hear your uncensored thoughts. That's right blog world I am creating UnRT's first contest. Send your uncensored thoughts to me and the lucky winner will be featured on UnRT (plus there could be a better prize when I think of it). Also feel free to send me topics you want to hear me rant and rave about.
Email your entries to csilver18@gmail.com by December 21st.
I will announce the winner by December 31st. So get excited and start recycling your thoughts for me.
Happy blogging.
You, Me, and the Boys.
Due to the nature of this blog post, I will be giving Aliases to the people in these storys.
Top Ten Favorite Stoner Moments with Buffy Summers, Tiger Woods, Pumpkin, and McD
10. When Tiger Woods' phone ended up in my room. When niether Tiger or I were there all night (plus I picked Tiger up that night.)
9. The continuous process of writing this blog.
8. When Buffy and I sat at the stop sign for ten minutes because she was waiting for it to turn green.
7. When I dumped all of Tigers' tree in the garbage can.
6. When I lost a bag with Buffy. Forever known as the G that will never come back. (Please refer back to Climbing the Mango Tree.)
5. Going to White Castle in a extreme rain storm with McD, Pumkin, and Tiger Woods. Worst idea ever.
4. When Buffy fell off the chair at 6 in the morning. Ripping my jacket and fracturing her rib all at the same time. What makes it even better is that I completely ignored the fact that she fell.
2. When I totally spaced out at work for 30 seconds, while taking a customers order. Where did I go? I have no idea. But what I do know is that I liked it.
1. Bears on the golf course with Pumpkin and Tiger. Enough said.
These are my moments. Share yours with me or a friend. Happy blogging ladies (and I guess gents).
Due to the nature of this blog post, I will be giving Aliases to the people in these storys.
Top Ten Favorite Stoner Moments with Buffy Summers, Tiger Woods, Pumpkin, and McD
10. When Tiger Woods' phone ended up in my room. When niether Tiger or I were there all night (plus I picked Tiger up that night.)
9. The continuous process of writing this blog.
8. When Buffy and I sat at the stop sign for ten minutes because she was waiting for it to turn green.
7. When I dumped all of Tigers' tree in the garbage can.
6. When I lost a bag with Buffy. Forever known as the G that will never come back. (Please refer back to Climbing the Mango Tree.)
5. Going to White Castle in a extreme rain storm with McD, Pumkin, and Tiger Woods. Worst idea ever.
4. When Buffy fell off the chair at 6 in the morning. Ripping my jacket and fracturing her rib all at the same time. What makes it even better is that I completely ignored the fact that she fell.
2. When I totally spaced out at work for 30 seconds, while taking a customers order. Where did I go? I have no idea. But what I do know is that I liked it.
1. Bears on the golf course with Pumpkin and Tiger. Enough said.
These are my moments. Share yours with me or a friend. Happy blogging ladies (and I guess gents).
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